
HELLO! Welcome to my website

I am a second-year Ph.D. student in Finance at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. Before my Ph.D. program, I had my graduate education at the University of International Business and Economics and specialized in Finance (Actuarial Science). I am the founder of Greener Educational Consult .
I am passionate about exploring the intersection of finance and sustainability finance and ESG, where I seek to understand the role of financial institutions in promoting sustainable economic development and advancing Social welfare.
Through my research, I strive to contribute to the literature on sustainable finance by investigating the impact of ESG factors on corporate performance and financial decision-making. I am committed to using my skills and knowledge to drive positive change in the finance industry and beyond.
As a researcher, I am committed to advancing our understanding of sustainable finance and promoting the adoption of ESG principles in financial decision-making.

Research Interests:
Empirical Corporate Finance, ESG, Sustainable Finance,  Financial Inclusion, & FinTech.

University of Michigan
Ross School of Business
701 Tappan Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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    blessing atakli

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